The Bold 和 Remarkable Class of 2024: You are Enough

在一个美丽的春日, 一群兴高采烈的家人, 朋友, 和 十大菠菜台子 community members cheered graduates as they walked across the stage in front of historic Middle College. 

Jose Elias Guillen II'24 walks past excited crowds after the ceremony.

在晴朗的蓝天下, with a breeze rustling banners 和 flags behind the stage, President Eric Boynton awarded diplomas to the Class of 2024 as Provost Donna Oliver read their names at the college’s 174th 毕业典礼.



博因顿总统 向2024届毕业生致辞, 认可他们的工作, 弹性, 和毅力, encouraging them to “feel the warmth of the sun, relish the feeling of accomplishment 和 the satisfaction of a job done well…your futures are bright.”

The class missed out on high school graduations, 和 arrived at Beloit when social distancing 和 masks made making connections more difficult than usual. As things opened up, the class took advantage of it.

“You navigated the complexities of a worldwide p和emic, 网上教学, new social 和 technological challenges — all while figuring out who you are 和 where you are going. 总而言之,你的大学生活糟透了.”


法拉Tolu-Honary'24 receiving the Martha Peterson Prize.

法拉Tolu-Honary的24, 自由港的, 伊利诺斯州, 获得了玛莎·彼得森奖, awarded to a senior who best exemplifies the college’s liberal arts traditions through academic achievements 和 as an active contributor to the campus community.

双学位 国际关系法国,辅修 非洲研究 graduating summa cum laude, she gained cross-cultural 和 法国 language skills 出国留学 in Morocco 和 Tunisia, proving herself an accomplished scholar 和 researcher. She received several grants, including one last summer for research in Senegal. 她在学校当家庭教师 写作中心, for the 法国 Program, 和 for study abroad, 和 was a teaching assistant in 法国.

“她是同龄人的榜样,她的一位教授说, “generous in her collaborations 和 capaciously adept at navigating challenging situations.”

Farah will be doing an internship with Physicians for Human Rights before pursuing graduate school in France.


Franccesca Mamani'24 receiving the Warren Miller Blue Skies Award.

学生们鼓掌 Franccesca Mamani的24 walked to the stage to receive the Warren Miller Blue Skies Award.

一个高分 麦克奈尔的学者学生卓越与领导力(SEL) 同行的导师, the first-generation Latinx student from Chicago, 伊利诺斯州, brought good cheer 和 genuine care to everything she did at Beloit. Whether it was navigating academics 和 教授 or 朋友hips, she has been a pillar of support for first-year students as a 同行的导师. Her uplifting presence has been an inspiration to be real, to be kind, 和 to strive for excellence.

双学位 工作室艺术心理学, she will attend Johns Hopkins University for graduate school in Psychology.

Embracing the unknown with courage 和 confidence.

Martu J. Kollie的24 gives the student 毕业典礼 speech.

学生毕业典礼演讲嘉宾 Martu J. Kollie的24 looked back on her path to Beloit after growing up in one of the poorest communities in Liberia, 西非, 哪里的教育机会稀缺, 尤其是对女孩来说.

She described Beloit as a home away from home, 和 a place “where I could forge lifelong 朋友hips, 探索我的激情, 找到我的立足点.“双学位 国际关系环境研究, 她还展望了未来, encouraging her fellow graduates to “embrace the unknown with courage 和 confidence.”

她的结论是, “It is time to put the liberal arts into practice as we navigate the twists 和 turns of life’s journey with grace 和 弹性.”

You are enough: social justice advocates inspire the graduates.

田纳西州众议员. 贾斯汀J. 皮尔逊和奥西纳R. Gilliam的17向人群讲话.

毕业典礼演讲嘉宾田纳西州众议员. 贾斯汀J. 皮尔森Oceana R. Gilliam的17 brought cheers from the crowd with a speech that was both moving 和 rousing. 皮尔森, who was expelled 和 later reinstated after protesting gun violence on the Tennessee House floor, 和吉列姆订婚了, 自2021年起担任伯洛伊特学院理事, 还有他的幕僚长.

Gilliam began by acknowledging that people around the world are suffering from war 和 injustice, 和 that “in this moment of celebration we are holding this tension of joy 和 pain.” She told the graduates that their Beloit education has provided them with what it takes to compete with the best of them, while acknowledging that there will be difficult days ahead. She noted that 毕业典礼 coincided with Mother’s Day, 和 shared words of wisdom from her own mother, reassuring the graduates that “times of trouble 和 struggle will not last forever, 有你就足够了.”

代表. 皮尔森继续重复着, 他的声音响彻校园, exhorting the graduates to help build a movement for justice rooted in love, 去治愈和改变世界. He reminded graduates that they are not on this journey alone, 因为有你就足够了, 我们已经足够了.”


仪式结束后, 毕业生与家人团聚, 教授, 和朋友, happy to spend one last afternoon basking in the sun before leaving campus as 十大菠菜台子 alumni.

Shakira Wilson receiving armfulls of flowers 和 bouquets from family 和朋友.


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